Friday, September 23, 2011

A Wheel bearing on my car is starting to whine (noticeable when going around corners) My question is?

How long before I have to change it. (in miles) I had heard then CAN rumble on for 1000,s of miles.
A Wheel bearing on my car is starting to whine (noticeable when going around corners) My question is?
It would be best to change it now,$300 now is better than $500 later!! When a bearing goes bad it can cause damage to other parts.......
A Wheel bearing on my car is starting to whine (noticeable when going around corners) My question is?
might not be wheel bearing.Had sim whine on turn n with help drove in lt/rt circle, set stands under eels 2 let the eels be in rd position. With steer n on a turn and a wheel be n hand rotated, whine come from twisted left ft brake bac n plate scuf n brake rotor.

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I wouldn't go too long with a bad bearing...when it seizes up, be prepared to replace the whole drivetrain on that side...
The bearing can make noise for a while, but if it builds up enough heat (noise comes from friction and friction causes heat and damage), the inner and/or outer race can weld itsself to the spindle or carrier. It that were to happen, it turns a not too difficult fix into an ugly and expensive one. Procrastination is not good in this case. On the other end, it can rumble for thousands of miles and slowly disentegrate untill that wheel loses control, which could be fatal.
It wont pass an MOT like it because the brakes will fail because of it (thats if you dont kill someone first). I had a loose wheel bearing problem with a previous car and because I left it it welded itself to the hub and I had to pay for both.
what you have heard is a complete fluke on there part as some cars can go for miles with problems and others just fail straigh away...

it is entirely up to you whether you want to play that risk but when it does break be prepared for gigantic bill that follows, honestly it is not cheap and when it happened to me i just scrapped the car....
Why wait to change it? It won't cure itself and you are risking doing even more damage, or even worse, having an accident due to a bearing failure (at worst, your wheel may seize).
Time to bite the bullet and get it changed NOW. A couple of hundred dollars spent now could save a thousand later.
replace the cv axel before it is to late if it is a front wheel drive
The longer you leave it, the more it wears the wheel hub that it is fitted into, and if the bearing is dry, it can start to break up inside the hub, and that would be expensive to fix.
Turn your radio up real loud and you can drive for miles and miles without having to listen to it whine !
Are you sure the incessant whine you hear every time you drive around a corner is not just your girlfriend telling you to %26quot;SLOW DOWN%26quot;? Seriously though, GET IT FIXED!
Fix it now! It can lock up and ruin the axle/spindle and could cause a wreck. Don't take a chance. Spend a little now, or a lot later

OK?................ Ok.
they can, but it may just need grease. It's dead easy to do once you've been shown. well worth a haynes manual.
the other person is right can freeze up on you and cause more problems.if i were you i would get right on that and get it fixed,because if it freezes up,ill guarentee you,that you wont go anywhere.

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