Friday, September 23, 2011

What will happen if you continue to drive a car with a bad wheel bearing/hub assembly?

My girlfriend has a 2000 Dodge Neon that has bad wheel bearings on both sides. I haven't had time to change them yet and they are making a loud grinding noise while she is driving. I'm wondering what can happen if you continue to drive on them? Thanks in advance!
What will happen if you continue to drive a car with a bad wheel bearing/hub assembly?
i had a wheel bearing explode on my car. course its a 1970. so the neon i think has a sealed bearing type. anyways, what happened is the bearing blew up and luckily everything else held up when it did and i didnt loose the whole wheel. i knew someone that had bad wheel bearings and drove on em for months and months. my car didnt give any warning to them being ready to go out. so youre playin some russian roulette. get em dun asap. to be safe. or at least let your girl drive your car and you drive hers.
What will happen if you continue to drive a car with a bad wheel bearing/hub assembly?
they can seize on the spindle or damage the spindle ,so you would have to replace not only the bearings but also the spindle,have them replace a.s.a.p.
The wheels may fall off, and ruining your front brake as well as anything under the car oil pan, steering component, and may even get kill or kill other people!

Have her park the car until you can fix it.
Well, they may just seize up and could cause an accident when it happens. I would not drive that car anymore or you may have a worse scenario on your hands.
Wost case scenario, the wheels lock up.

Best case, they continue to make noise and cut your MPG.
Dodge hub bearings are easy to replace( front or rear ) Cheap too, from AutoZone. Why would you continue to drive with bad bearings?
Many very bad things. Have her park it until you get time to fix it.

i have seen a wheel come of because the hub broke but that's worst case scenario
wheel lock-up or wheel catch on fire.

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